Critical Costume Exhibition 2020: Costume Agency online exhibition presents artworks that treat costume as their main medium, often as a starting point for a performance, and always as a crucial aspect of a performance. This exhibition aims to emphasize the immediacy and intrinsic nature of costumes to everyday human life and a person’s sense of self: connection to body, movement, identity, expression, sensuality, emotionality. The costume is a bridge between the body and the world.
Critical Costume Exhibition 2020: Costume Agency is built on two main strands of costume performances – communication and exploration. Eight further categories then unfold these two central ideas: Communication (Identity Agency, Political Agency) and Exploration (Material Agency, Agency of Senses and Sensuality, Emotional Agency, Agency of Technology, Agency of Body and Extended Space, and Agency of Play).
Finally, Costume Agency Exhibition illustrates discourses that are discussed during the Critical Costume Conference 2020 and explored in the artistic research project Costume Agency. The resulting broad collation of artists from around the world and of interdisciplinary fields — Theater, Fine Art, Fashion, Design, Craft, Film, and more — prove to us the creative and critical potential of costumes as relevant and emerging artistic expressions that depict and interreact with the neoliberal societies of today. We hope this exhibition will reach wide audiences.
Prof. Yuka Oyama PhD (Curator)
Special Thanks
Pieter Nieuwenhuijs (Web engineering/3c Group), Christopher Sage (Curatorial assistant), Erin Wright (Text editing/Wright Services, LLC), Mark Hunt (PR video/White Noise Berlin), Kana Harding (Design advice), Brigitte Speich (Costume Agency logo design/jacquesetbrigitte)
August 2020

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